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The Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza. Seeking to understand how this remarkable monument was constructed has long been a source of scholarly fascination. Here we see the west side of the pyramid, with the Western Cemetery, which contained officials and retainers, visible in the foreground. [Image: © Mark Lehner]


Discovering Eye-Witness Accounts of a Legendary Construction Project

The Mystery of the Great Pyramid

The Great Pyramid, known in ancient times as Akhet Khufu (Horizon of Khufu), remains one of the most remarkable achievements of human engineering. Built during the reign of Pharaoh Khufu (c. 2633–2605 BC), the pyramid originally stood nearly 150 meters high and consisted of approximately 2.3 million blocks. Despite its grandeur, the Great Pyramid lacks extensive inscriptions, with only a few work-gang graffiti providing insights into its construction.

The Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza. Seeking to understand how this remarkable monument was constructed has long been a source of scholarly fascination. Here we see the west side of the pyramid, with the Western Cemetery, which contained officials and retainers, visible in the foreground. [Image: © Mark Lehner]
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A Groundbreaking Discovery

For centuries, scholars could only speculate about the construction process. However, in 2013, an archaeological team led by Pierre Tallet unearthed the earliest-known papyri fragments at Wadi el-Jarf, a Red Sea harbor site over 130 km from Giza. These documents provide unprecedented insights into the workforce and logistics behind the Great Pyramid’s construction. Their findings, when combined with archaeological research by Mark Lehner, reveal a clearer picture of how this monumental structure was built.


Red Sea Harbors and Pyramid Construction

Pierre Tallet began searching for ancient Egyptian harbor sites in 2001. His focus was on locating ports that supported expeditions for materials essential to construction, such as copper from Sinai. In 2008, using historical records and satellite imagery, his team rediscovered the rock-cut galleries of Wadi el-Jarf. Subsequent excavations revealed it to be the oldest-known artificial open-sea harbor, established during the reign of Sneferu (c. 2675–2633 BC), Khufu’s predecessor.

The harbor was critical for supplying large-scale pyramid-building projects. It facilitated expeditions to Sinai for copper, essential for crafting tools used to cut limestone. Additionally, boats constructed in the Nile Valley were transported in pieces across the desert, then reassembled at the Red Sea coast. The galleries at Wadi el-Jarf served as storage for dismantled vessels and other equipment.

The Papyrus of Inspector Merer

Among the significant discoveries at Wadi el-Jarf was a collection of over 30 rolls of papyri. These documents belonged to a 160-member work gang known as “The Escort Team of ‘The Uraeus of Khufu is its Prow’.” The records contain two types of information: daily logbooks and accounting documents tracking supplies such as food and tools.

One of the most remarkable figures in these records is Inspector Merer, leader of a phyle (sub-team) of about 40 workers. His logbooks chronicle a year’s worth of tasks, including work at the Great Pyramid, harbor construction in the Nile Delta, and expeditions to Sinai.

Transporting Stone by Boat

Merer’s records detail how limestone was transported from Tura (east of the Nile) to Giza (west of the Nile). Typically, the “Great” phyle completed three round trips in ten days. One entry reads:

“Inspector Merer casts off with his phyle from Tura, loaded with stone, for Akhet Khufu; spends the night at She Khufu; Day 27: sets sail from She Khufu, sails towards Akhet Khufu, loaded with stone, spends the night at Akhet Khufu…”

These logs confirm that large limestone blocks were moved by boat along the Nile, significantly contributing to the construction process. The ability to transport heavy materials efficiently was a key factor in building the Great Pyramid on such a massive scale.

Rethinking Pyramid Builders

The discovery of these papyri challenges the long-held notion that the pyramids were built by slaves. Instead, they highlight an organized workforce of skilled laborers who were well-fed and provided for. These were dedicated specialists, not temporary laborers working only during the Nile flood season.


The combination of textual evidence from the Wadi el-Jarf papyri and archaeological findings at Giza has transformed our understanding of how the Great Pyramid was built. The construction relied on a well-organized supply chain, extensive maritime infrastructure, and specialized labor. Thanks to these discoveries, we now have the closest thing to an ancient Egyptian eyewitness account of one of history’s most extraordinary building projects.


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