You are currently viewing Buddha figurine is about 8.4cm tall and was probably made in the Swat Valley, Pakistan, in the late 500s to mid 600s AD. It was discovered during excavations at Helgö, Sweden

Buddha figurine is about 8.4cm tall and was probably made in the Swat Valley, Pakistan, in the late 500s to mid 600s AD. It was discovered during excavations at Helgö, Sweden

Beyond the Silk Road: Unraveling the Complex Web of Ancient Trade and Cultural Exchange

The Silk Road has long been recognized as a conduit for the exchange of exotic goods between the East and the West. However, taking a broader perspective reveals that extraordinary objects and transformative ideas moved across a much wider expanse, connecting regions far beyond the traditional notion of the Silk Road. This intricate network of exchange was discussed in depth by Sue Brunning and Luk Yu-ping in a conversation with Matthew Symonds.

Xuanzang’s Extraordinary Journey: A Quest for Knowledge

Xuanzang, a Buddhist monk from Tang China, was a figure who defied conventions. Living in the 7th century AD, he undertook a daring journey despite an imperial ban on foreign travel due to security concerns. Undeterred, Xuanzang left China in AD 629 under cover of darkness, embarking on a perilous journey on foot through Central Asia to India. His mission was to retrieve original Buddhist texts in Sanskrit to address discrepancies in Chinese translations. Buddhism had been introduced to China centuries earlier, but inconsistencies in translated scriptures raised concerns about their accuracy. Xuanzang sought to resolve this issue by obtaining authentic manuscripts.

After 16 years, he returned to China with hundreds of manuscripts, rather than being punished for his unauthorized travels, he was celebrated as a hero. A monastery was even built in his honor, underscoring the immense value placed on the knowledge he brought back. Xuanzang’s journey highlights how long-distance travel in this era could yield not only personal enlightenment but also cultural and intellectual enrichment for entire civilizations.

Expanding the Concept of the Silk Road

Xuanzang’s manuscripts were not the only objects that traveled far from their place of origin. An extensive web of connectivity spanned from East Asia to Northwest Europe, far beyond the conventional east-west corridor known as the “Silk Road.” This term is often associated with the 13th-century travels of Marco Polo, yet as Xuanzang’s adventures demonstrate, long-distance connections enabled remarkable journeys centuries earlier.

Modern research is increasingly revealing that these routes not only connected the East and West but also extended north and south, creating a vast and complex network of exchange. A major new exhibition at the British Museum aims to shed light on this broader understanding, moving beyond the idea of a singular “Silk Road” to a more intricate web of “Silk Roads” that linked Asia, Africa, and Europe.

Mapping Ancient Trade Routes

The modern effort to chart these ancient connections began in the late 19th century when the German geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen drew red and blue lines on a map, tracing routes from Xi’an in China to Iran. His 1877 attempt to reconcile information from Greek and Chinese sources with real-world geography helped establish the term “Silk Road.”

“The term ‘Silk Road’ first started to be used in the 19th century,” explains Luk Yu-ping, Basil Gray Curator of Chinese Paintings, Prints, and Central Asian Collections at the British Museum. “For a long time, it was attributed to Ferdinand von Richthofen, but more recent research suggests that the term was already in use in Europe when his work was published. It became widely popularized in the latter half of the 20th century due to increasing interest in tourism, transport, and archaeological discoveries.”

The British Museum’s latest exhibition seeks to challenge conventional views of the Silk Road. “We want to expand the picture and show a much richer world,” says Sue Brunning, Curator of European Early Medieval and Sutton Hoo Collections. “The public often associates the Silk Road with images of camels, desert dunes, and silk, but it was much more than that. We aim to highlight the vast cross-cultural connections that linked Asia, Africa, and Europe, spanning a diverse range of terrains, including maritime and riverine routes, not just overland caravans.”

Defining the Silk Roads’ Timeline

When did the Silk Roads truly begin? This question remains a topic of debate. Some scholars trace their origins to Alexander the Great’s conquests in the 4th century BC, while Chinese sources often cite the Han dynasty in the 2nd century BC. The British Museum exhibition, however, focuses on a defining period from AD 500 to 1000—a time of peak connectivity. This era saw the rise of great powers such as China’s Tang dynasty (618-907), the Rashidun Caliphate (632-661), the Byzantine Empire, and the Carolingian Empire (800-887). It was also a period of intense religious expansion, with Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam spreading widely, often alongside objects that symbolized their faiths.

“There has long been an awareness in northwest Europe that objects could have distant origins,” Brunning notes. “Historically, these artifacts were often labeled as ‘exotic curiosities,’ with the assumption that the people who received them didn’t fully understand their significance. But as research into global connectivity grows, we see that not only were objects moving across vast distances, but knowledge and ideas were traveling with them. This suggests that recipients had a much deeper understanding of these items and their cultural origins than previously thought.”

A Buddha in Scandinavia: Tracing the Journey of an Unexpected Artifact

One striking example of such an object is a copper-alloy figurine of the Buddha seated on a double lotus flower. It was likely crafted in the Swat Valley, in what is now Pakistan, but was discovered thousands of kilometers away in Helgö, Sweden, during excavations of 9th-century buildings.

The presence of this figurine in Scandinavia raises intriguing questions. Given that Buddhism had little direct influence in Viking-age Scandinavia, one might assume that the inhabitants of Helgö were unfamiliar with its religious significance. However, when the Buddha was unearthed, it was found adorned with leather strips wrapped around its neck and left arm. Initially thought to be a method for securing it to a surface, scholars later observed that similar leather adornments were found on wooden sculptures of Norse deities preserved in bogs. This suggests that the figurine was assimilated into local spiritual practices in a meaningful way.

Rethinking the Role of Silk in Global Trade

If the concept of a single Silk Road has been replaced by a more intricate network, another question arises: How crucial was silk itself to these exchanges? “Silk was certainly a major commodity,” Brunning acknowledges, “but it was only one of many. Alongside silk, a vast range of goods, including paper, spices, ceramics, and metals, were traded. Additionally, intangible elements such as religious beliefs, technological knowledge, and artistic influences also traveled across these routes.”


Luk adds, “Silk was particularly significant in China and its neighboring regions. By the 7th century, other centers of silk production had emerged, but in Tang dynasty China, silk was a taxed item. The government collected silk from local communities and used it to pay soldiers and purchase horses from the steppe nomads. At the same time, maritime trade was thriving, with ships transporting goods across the Indian Ocean. While ceramics often survive in shipwrecks, silk’s perishable nature makes it harder to trace in the archaeological record.”

A New Perspective on an Ancient Network

As research continues, it is becoming increasingly clear that the Silk Roads were not a single, linear route, but a vast, interconnected web of land and maritime pathways. The movement of people, goods, and ideas across this network reshaped civilizations and left an enduring impact on global history. By broadening our understanding beyond the traditional Silk Road narrative, we gain a deeper appreciation of the complex exchanges that shaped our world.


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